Fiber Coven

Emily O’Brien has been knitting since she was 12 years old. Emily went to school for theatre design but ended up putting those design skills into knitwear instead! Emily focuses on creating patterns that are not just beautiful finished objects but also really fun and addicting to knit. She has been featured in Knit Picks Collections, Interweave, I Like Knitting, Knit Now, and has popular self-published patterns. Emily lives in Louisville, KY with her husband Chad and a menagerie of 1 dog, 3 cats, 6 chickens, 1 rabbit, and about 20,000 honeybees. Aside from yarn, Emily loves both kitties and cupcakes.
Visit Emily's Store for witchy enamel pins, cute stickers, and more!

Lauren has been a knitter and crafter for 20+ years. She went to college for Clinical Nutrition at UC, Davis and then became disillusioned with the medical profession. Next, she went to culinary school and cooked for several years until she became disillusioned with that profession too. She is much happier cooking yarn and fiber in her kitchen in her yarn-hovel in the mountains. Valkyrie Fibers specializes in self striping sock yarn and Lauren’s colorways are inspired by nature and pop culture. In her free time, Lauren likes yelling in the streets when human rights are infringed upon, (legally) smoking weed, and petting kittens.
Visit Lauren's Store for hand-dyed yarn and fiber!
A weekly witchy themed fiber arts podcast! We’re a coven of two yarn witches trying to craft fiber magic through knitting, dyeing, spinning, and whatever we can get our witchy hands on. It’s a long distance coven, so we thought we’d open it up to yarn witches across the globe so we can spread our black magics far and wide. Lauren is the dyer behind Valkyrie Fibers and Emily designs knitting patterns under the name Kitty With A Cupcake. New episodes drop on Tuesdays!
Check out our show notes for news, project updates, links, and more!

Knit for Food Knit-a-thon is a 12 hour knit-a-thon to raise funds and awareness for food insecurity. This is the perfect chance for us crafty people to come together to share fiber arts and, hopefully, do our share to help feed the hungry! Check out the thank you gifts and donate now through this special Fiber Coven page!.